St. Louis School, Elementary Faculty completed a Phonics Plus training with Instructor, Mrs. Ernellen Lui. Mrs. Lui worked with Mrs. Spalding and now works with Phonics Plus in teaching an [...]
Congratulations to the MechaMonarchs, the student robotics team from Damien Memorial School. They competed against nearly 40 other student teams during a two-day competition this past weekend at [...]
Nearly 70 Pastors, Principals and Board Chair representatives from 28 Parochial Schools under the Diocese of Honolulu gathered at the HCS Leadership Summit on August 18, 2016 following the annual [...]
The office of Hawaii Catholic Schools received the Silver Award for Best Non-Profit Marketing in the state the from American Marketing Association Hawaii Chapter. The AMA is the largest marketing [...]
This post was contributed by Michael Rockers, Ed.D., Diocese of Honolulu. As a 30-year-old principal of a Catholic school in Arkansas, I was overwhelmed to say the least. I did not have a degree [...]