2016 Annual Conference for Catholic School Educators
The Oahu HCS ACCE offers 27 breakout sessions for everyone to choose from.
Please sign up for the session that is most appealing to you! Seats are limited so please sign up soon! All sessions are listed here. Please read the description and choose the session that most interests you. Counselors and ELC teachers: There is a special session just for you. Please sign up for that one.
Click here to go to the EventBrite page to sign up for a session.
Click here to download a pdf of the #2016ACCE workshops and their descriptions.
Click here to download a pdf of the ACCE agenda.
Remember, please bring a mobile device (laptop, tablet, phone) as active engagement by our participants is integral to much of our program. Share your thinking and photos of the day on Twitter and Instagram by tagging them #2016ACCE ! Let’s make #2016ACCE a trending topic on Twitter! Also, please download any apps for your workshop prior to the event. Email your presenter with any questions leading up to February 5th.